Did you know?

Parkinson's Disease

Currently, over 100,000 people are diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease (PD) in Canada. Parkinson’s disease is defined as progressive degeneration of “dopamine producing neurons” leading to both physical and neuro-cognitive symptoms in an individual. Physical signs involve resting tremors, slow and stiff movements. Neuro-cognitive signs can range from memory loss, slow thinking process, visual – spatial disorders to severe dementia.

New research studies have shown that exercise not only improves physical health, it also has a positive impact on overall “Brain health”. When you begin with a new exercise program like dual task training, Tai chi or yoga, the brain is actively involved in the learning process. A proper exercise program helps neurons in effectively using “dopamine”. Physical exercise also aides in development of new blood vessels and neural circuits which improves the brain health and neurological network. This is often termed as “Neuroplasticity”.

Our team member – Mayank (physiotherapist) has completed his M.Sc (Rehabilitation) from University of Manitoba with focus on neuroscience. His area of thesis included – impact of dual task (DT) and DT-training on patients with Parkinson’s disease. If you or your family member is diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease, you can make an appointment with Mayank. We offer Dual task training rehabilitation programs which include- walking while performing some interesting multimedia games, tracing visual cues and auditory cues.

Getting Active with Arthritis

Arthritis is defined as inflammation of the joint. While joint pain may sound like a reason to avoid physical activity, the opposite is true! In addition to the numerous health benefits, being physically active can actually help manage arthritis pain. Here are some key things to keep in mind:

Begin slowly and progress gradually. Increases in duration, intensity or complexity of movements should follow a gradual progression

Avoid rapid or harmful movements of affected joints. Choose activities that protect your joints and avoid activities with jumping, rapid twisting, turning or sudden stops. You may want to consider special shoes or orthotics for extra support and shock absorption.

Flexibility activities are particularly important for people with arthritis, because they help maintain or restore normal joint movement and relieve stiffness.

Popular endurance activities for people with arthritis include the following: Walking – Walking is a great activity for people with arthritis because it doesn’t put a lot of stress on your joints.

Water activities – Water supports your body weight and adds resistance, which also enhances muscle strength and endurance.

Cycling – Cycling is a great indoor or outdoor activity for people with arthritis. For those with back pain, try a recumbent bicycle.

Listen to your body, and moving more can become your best medicine. If you have any questions, we are here to help! Ask a Physiotherapist how!